About Abi Wilson

Abi's Vintage Vault

With over three decades deeply rooted in the fashion industry, my journey began humbly as a shop floor attendant at Fenwicks Bond Street in 1985. From those formative years, my passion for fashion led me to evolve into a shoe designer, where I was spiritually guided by my dear friend and mentor, Jimmy Choo.

The 1990s introduced me to the maestro of London fashion, Anthony Price. He crafted iconic dresses that left an indelible mark on the fashion world, and I was fortunate enough to befriend him during those vibrant days in his South London studio. Surrounded by incredible talents like Yalle, the visionary makeup artist, the inspiration I drew from them has been a lasting force in my life.

As I ventured into money broking in the City of London, I gained a fresh perspective on the interplay of finance and fashion. The symbiotic relationship was evident: opulent fashion comes with a price tag. My core circle became Anthony, Jimmy, and Yalle — the trio that shaped my understanding of style.

1999 offered me an 'I was there' moment. At the grandiose Musee du Petit Palais in Paris, I witnessed the ground-breaking Stella McCartney for Chloe Collection. The pulsating Ibizan beats, the models sashaying down the runway amidst the captivating atmosphere— that was my maiden catwalk experience, and it was mesmerizing.

Over the past decade, I've had the honour of representing a leading global department store as their Client Ambassador. This role allowed me to further intertwine luxury fashion with lifestyle, enabling me to work alongside elite brands and their esteemed clientele. The experience further enriched my fashion insights, curatorial skills, and business acumen.

Today, I'm merging my vast expertise to introduce Abiwilson Vintage — a luxe brand that encapsulates the fashion I've cherished over the past 30 years. With a keen awareness of the importance of sustainability, I aim to present these exquisite pieces to the world, emphasizing the beauty of recycling and meaningful consumption.

Each curated piece is not only a testament to fashion's enduring legacy but also a versatile asset. Whether you're a fashion editor seeking an iconic piece to elevate a magazine spread, a stylist on the hunt for that standout item for a celebrity photo shoot, or a TV producer desiring authentic period clothing for a historical segment — these items are available both for purchase and rent.

The beauty of vintage is its ability to tell a story, and each item in this collection holds its own unique narrative. It's not just about wearing these pieces; it's about weaving them into contemporary tales, be it through editorial content, television programmes, or special events. By offering these pieces for both sale and rental, I aim to provide flexibility for a variety of needs, ensuring that each piece finds its moment to shine once again.

Join me on this sartorial journey that traverses the eras, blending the old with the new, as we rediscover fashion's timeless allure.

This photo, published in life in 1957, shows coco Chanel, aged 74, at her apartment on the rue Cambon in Paris reclining on her massive divan. In notes taken from the life picture library, it was noted that mark shaw “crept as close to Chanel as anyone is ever likely to get with their Leica On. She said so herself.” Mark shaw’s informal, grainy, black and white images of coco Chanel were created using an unobtrusive 35mm camera and film processing methods that enabled him to eliminate all other photographic equipment. Although shaw’s techniques increased the grain and contrast of the photographs, the lack of intimidating, distracting flash and lights allowed him to capture an unusually relaxed chanel. The source for this image was a vintage 35mm black and white negative.

Our Founder Abi Wilson photographed in Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel’s apartment, 31 Rue Cambon Paris. 

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